We Love Pop magazine - Interview and posters!

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Gossip about girls, getting their bits out and being grabbed by fans – it’s just another day for One Direction.

You’ve downloaded their pictures and re-wallpapered your bedrooms with Harry & Co and even worn pants with their faces on – cheers Primark! But hang on, there’s one thing missing from this pop puzzle…. The 1D Album! Luckily, after months locked in a sweaty studio with nothing but each other and the whiff of Nialls guffs for company (more on that later) they have just about finished what is surely the album of the year – sorry Adele. But is the band bromance intact? Or are they at each other’s throats and thinking of going solo? We collared Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis to find out exactly what’s going on inside Britain’s biggest boy band.

You lot seem to be having a serious 1D love-in. in fact we’re feeling a bit awkward… but do you really get on that well?
We really do. It could have gone so wrong as there could have been just one person in the group who didn’t gel, or wanted to do things differently. Luckily there isn’t.
Zayn: When we’re not together we text each other every day saying ‘Hey, I miss you’. It’s a bit girly, but when you’ve spent that much time together you’re used to it.

Have you always gotten along?
When we first got asked to go to judges houses as a group, we went to Harry’s house for a week and got straight into making sure we were going to be friends. And then we started working on the music side. His stephdad has a bungalow at the back of the house so we stayed in that.

What gets on your nerves about each oter?
They’re all really loud and crazy. Whereas me and Zayn like to have our own space. No offence. I love the lads to bits but it’s nice to have your own space too.
Harry: I get a bit jealous that Niall gets to play the immature one. He gets to always have fun and if we were all like that then we wouldn’t get anything done. I’m the youngest but I have to act more grown up.
Zayn: yeah. Niall is farting pretty much all the time. They are pretty offensive and he doesn’t really care where he is. I’m quite organized so I like to know where my stuff is, but Louis and Harry just dump their stuff wherever. Even when we’re staying in hotels it’ll look like we’ve been living there for a week when we’ve only just arrived.

We know Harry loves getting naked. Have you all seen each other’s bits now?
I think me and Zayn will be the last to break. I was thinking about running naked down a hotel corridor and just telling them that I did it. But they’d just go ‘No you didn’t, Liam. Shut up’

Do you reckon you would have been mates at school?
We often say that would have been the case actually…
Harry: But who knows? It doesn’t really matter does it, because we are now and I can’t imagine not being with them every day. We’re very lucky.

We already have JLS and The Wanted; what will you give us that they can’t?
it’s not like we’ll be doing dance routines like JLS. We wouldn’t be as cool as them. We’d trip over our shoelaces. But I don’t want us to be choreographed and matchy-matchy anyway. We’re not trying to be something we’re not. We’re like the guys who you go to school with. And I don’t think other boy bands are like that.

Do you have to follow a load of rules set out by Simon Cowell?
On the show we weren’t supposed to have girlfriends, but we were so focused on what we were doing it didn’t really matter.
Louis: Despite what people think, we dressed ourselves throughout The X Factor and we still do. I think we know what we want. We just have to try a bit harder to be taken seriously.

How do you divide up the responsibilities in the band? Is one of you the Gary Barlow who does all the songwriting?
We’ve all taken an approach to writing. It’s tough, but we all try to contribute. We were pushed into a corner every week on The X Factor, so its nice that we’ve finally found our own sound.

Does being famous ever get slightly boring?
no, because I know I miss it the second I get to go home for a day. There’s a lot of pressure to be a good role model and people are keen to pigeonhole you as soon as you give them something to work with.
Louis: I’m 19 and I used to go out as much as every other guy at my age, but I’d much rather be doing this. But you can see how this van be lonely. I can’t imagine doing it on my own.

Who will be first to bail on 1D?
Louis: Oh my god. I don’t know. We all need this as much as each other. I don’t think any of us would be any way near as successful if we were solo as if we stayed together.

Harry, erm, didn’t you ditch a band to join 1D?
Yes, White Eskimo, but they were all like my best mates and they’re still going. I hope they don’t feel like I’ve just gone off and abandoned them. They can replace me.

Your fans are very.. obsessive? Do you get scared?
Some fans will do anything. Like, you’re not allowed in some buildings because of security, but one time this girl ran in and grabbed me. That shook me up a bit. But our fans are really friendly. Zayn’s often quiet when we run into fans though as he’s shy.
Zayn: obviously it’s flattering and they say you get used to the attention. But I haven’t yet. I tru to go out with a hat on or my glassed on but I still get recognized.
Louis: there are so many committed fans who have queued up for hours to see us and you start to recognize them all.
Harry: yeah. It’s nice to have that as you know that they really care about us.

Would you date a fan?
Totally! I don’t see why not?

we bet all the girls you went to school with have been in touch..
There are always going to be people who are acting like they’re better friends with you than they actually are.
Liam: yeah. This girl who was the hottest one in our year added me on BBM the other and I was like, ‘Get in!’. It’s funny how you automatically become more attractive when you’re on TV.
Harry: I’m a seventeen year old boy, so I like girls. But I prefer having a girlfriend. I like having someone I can spoil. Somebody to call up in the middle of the night and just talk to. I like getting close to someone like that.

So what moves you have pulled in an attempt to win a girl’s heart?
I don’t know… took her out for dinner. Bought her flowers.
Liam: One Valentine’s Day my girlfriend at the time insisted all she wanted was on of my hoodies. I thought ‘That’s a bit rubbish,’ so I bought a box, put the hoodie inside with a teddybear, 12 red rosed and a Justin Bieber CD. When it comes to birthdays I don’t care how much it costs if it makes you happy.

Zayn – you’re dating Rebecca Ferguson at the moment. Is it important for the other lads to get on with your girlfriend?
at the point we’re at now, definitely. I would get a lot of stick if they didn’t. they’re pretty open about what they think about girls.
Harry: Yeah. We totally gossip about girls. Niall’s the worst.

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