Liams radio 1 blog

9:06 PMManon

Yesterday was an amazing day and a milestone in our One Direction calender. We had our first radio play today and it was an incredible experience for all of us. We waited so long for today and it finally arrived! A big thank you to Scott Mills for being an amazing host and putting us at ease, we were very very nervous this morning and Scott made it a very enjoyable interview for us. It was the most surreal experience of my life so a BIG thankyou Radio One, Scott and the team.
Lastly I want to say a huge thank you to all of you fans for all your support and for being so patient whilst we made the record. Your support so far has been amazing and we wouldn’t be here without you so I hope you like the record! We can’t wait to get out there and perform it! A massive thanks to everyone for pre ordering :) and please keep spreading the word as there is lots more to come!!
Lots of love Liam and the boys xxx

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