1D's Harry Styles: A woman asked me to autograph her boobs in the park

5:23 PMCecile

The One Direction hottie can't go anywhere without meeting a fan

Harry Styles is in big demand

Harry Styles might have a penchant for older women, but he still finds some cougars a little bit frightening.

The 17-year-old One Direction singer gets accosted wherever he goes.

'I was in the park the other day and a woman ran up to me and asked for my autograph,' reveals Harry.

'She handed me a pen and I asked her if she had a piece of paper.

'She just looked at me and got out her boobs.'

But Harry - who insists he refused the request - says the experience hasn't put him off being famous.

He ditched his A-levels after winning a place in 1D and loves being recognised.

'What 17-year-old boy wouldn't like this? It still feels really weird, but it's a lot of fun,' Harry tells Fabulous.

'I've met so many nice people.'


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