Liam's tweets about the 'Crazy about One Direction' documentary

10:03 PMVera

Most of you are probably aware already of the very insane happenings recently regarding the documentary "Crazy about One Direction" that was shown on Channel 4 (UK Channel) last night. Instead of featuring One Direction, the film focused on the fans instead and their love for the boys. It showcased some very intriguing scenes, however, which have caused chaos in 95% of the 1D fandom. Comments regarding the documentary say that the fans were definitely not shown in a positive way and that it may have damaged the reputation of the fans of the boyband, who are most certainly not as extreme and as bad as shown. Moreover, the documentary even chose to tackle (we'd say negatively) on a very delicate subject matter in the fandom known as the Larry ship, which have left a lot of fans very upset and disappointed with the film.

Fortunately, family and friends of the boys were very quick to defend Directioners, and I quote, (from the Twitter account of Anne, Harry's mother), "Don't worry, we know you're not all like that ‪#‎crazy‬"

Fans have been very anxious to know the boys' reaction to the documentary as well, but Liam's recent tweets definitely proves that there is absolutely no need to worry whatsoever.

(Credits to @Official1D_PHIL )

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