One Direction's tour setlist plans

9:04 AMVera

One Direction's tour is doubtlessly gonna be one huge party; being naked on the bus, having knickers thrown at them, constant snacking and performing to thousands of fans every night. Pretty sweet hey?

There is the little task of working out what songs they'll be performing though, and since the release of Up All Night they won't just have to stick to Kelly Clarkson covers anymore *blows party horn*.

"We've got a few on the album that I'm really excited about [performing]," Niall told Teen Now.

"We were looking through the set list yesterday and we have a great sing-along set and the fans can all get involved.

"I can't wait to sing Na Na Na and What Makes You Beautiful to be honest. We've got a few hidden songs that you don't know about. When you hear them you're going to be like, 'wow!'"

Well Niall, that's a pretty wild claim. No pressure.

"I'm really looking forward to singing a couple of the new ones actually," added Harry, as Liam said he was excited to sing One Thing.

"Yeah, I really can't wait to perform One Thing either," agreed Louis.

"I really, really like that song."

While Zayn has a few songs he can't wait to sing; "There's a song called I Want that we wrote with Tom from McFly and we're doing an Ed Sheeran song as well," he said.

Which songs are YOU excited about?


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