FAQ about #1DinGermany [english] #fb

6:26 PMManon

These are the FAQ from Sony Germany:

· At what time should I show up at the “Mediapark”?
We don’t know at what time the first fans will show up. We think the easiest way for you to find out is to connect with other fans on Twitter or Facebook so that you get an idea when other fans will show up.

·  How do I find the “Mediapark” and how can I access the area?
The nearest train stations are “Hansaring” or “Christophstr./Mediapark”. From there it’s only a 5 minute walk. Simply look up the route on the internet. The “Mediapark” is not too big, you should be able to recognize the designated areas. If you have any questions you can always ask the security staff.

·  Do I have to buy tickets to access the area?
No, the “Mediapark” is a public space (outdoors and open air!) and you don’t have to buy tickets to access.

· Are there any car parks nearby?
We generally advise you to use public transport because all car parks in the surrounding area charge fees.

· How many fans will get a signature?
The band will sign autographs for 2 hours. The first 800 fans will have guaranteed access. All other fans will be able to see the boys because they are on a stage and we’ll give them mics so maybe they will also speak to all fans.
· How will the admission of the first 800 fans be organized?
We will put up barriers in the “Mediapark” that mark the zone where you can queue. At the entrance of this zone the security staff will hand out 800 wristbands that guarantee access to the signing stage. The wristbands will be handed out as “first come, first serve”. All other fans will also be given a different wristband (different colour) that allows them access to the “queuing area” (in case you have to go to the toilet). If the boys have time to sign more than 800 autographs the remaining fans will be allowed onto the stage in order of their place in the line. Every fan who was on stage and has received their autograph will be “marked” with a stamp to ensure that nobody sneaks back into the line. The band will sign autographs for 2 hours.

· Will the boys also perform?
No, the event will be signing only. It’s not planned for the boys to sing.

· Are we allowed to take photos with the band?
No, you’re not allowed to take photos with the band. If every fan would take a photo of themselves and the boys it would simply take too long. And we want to make sure that as many fans as possible have the chance to get their CD signed. 

· Are we allowed to film and take photos?
You are allowed to film and take photos while you’re waiting in line. Officially the security staff is advised not to allow cameras or cell phones on stage. We are aware that fans in other countries filmed and took photos but they probably did so without the securities noticing. Of course you can try that as well ;)
· Are we allowed to hug the boys?
No, due to the lack of time. If every fan would hug all five boys it would simply take too long and we think all fans should have the chance to meet the boys.

· What will be signed?
CDs and DVDs. Of course all available album versions count as CDs, also the Yearbook Edition. There will also be the possibility to buy the CD at the “Mediapark”. The local retailer Saturn will organize this and will also determine the price of the CD. We think it’ll be approx. 15 Euros. 
Cell phones, t-shirts, etc cannot be signed.
If you have bought the album digitally on iTunes, please bring the printed screenshot and you will be allowed to get something else signed.

· Are we allowed to give the boys letters or presents?
Yes, of course. If you arrive late and don’t have the possibility to meet them in person you can leave your letters/presents at designated boxes (we will come up with how this’ll work exactly and will let you know the details).

· Can we to go to the restroom while we’re queuing?
Yes, there will be toilets close to the “queuing area” so that you’ll be able to use the restroom. You will be able to re-access the queuing area with the wristband that you were given at the entrance.

· Can we buy food at the “Mediapark”?
There are cafés and restaurants nearby but we advise you to bring your own food and drinks in case the cafés/restaurants are full or if you don’t want to leave the queuing area. 

· Will the signing event also take place when it’s raining?
We hope the weather will stay nice but the signing event will also take place when it’s raining. Make sure to bring an umbrella, just in case. 

· Are we allowed to hang out in the “Mediapark” after we had our CD signed?
That depends on how many people are in the „Mediapark” but generally there is enough space in the “Mediapark” and you should be able to hang out there after you had your CD signed as long as you don’t block any emergency exits. Please follow the instructions of the security staff. 

· Will One Direction also come to other cities in Germany?
No, the boys will only be in Cologne. There won’t be any other signings in other German cities.

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