One Direction Radio Show - All the details

10:54 AMVera

As you all know, One Direction are getting their own radio show and we have all the details for you so you can make sure your phone is switched off and no one will bother you while you listen to their lovely voices.

Each member has got their own hour long show on Manchester station Key 103, from 3-4pm each Sunday. First up is Zayn this weekend, followed by Liam on Jaunary 29th, Niall on Feburary 5th, Louis on February 12th and then Harry rounding it off on February 19th.

According to the Key 103 website, the boys will be hosting their shows ‘Direction from 1D HQ’ and not only picking their favourite songs, but revealing all about life in the band!

Zayn told the station “What a way to start 2012 – getting our radio shows! We’re really excited to get on air and pick the playlist!”

Luckily, if you don’t live in Manchester, you can tune in to the radio shows via the Key 103 website and even listen to them again and again after the show is finished. Happy days.

Personally, we can’t wait to hear what the boys are going to play and what juicy secrets they’re going to reveal. Let’s hope it’s not something we’ve heard before.


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