The Wanted's Max George opinion on Harry and Caroline #fb

2:56 PMIris

Max George of The Wanted has said there is no problem with Harry Styles dating Caroline Flack.

The 'Glad You Came' star defended his fellow boybander and his girlfriend Caroline, telling Now! that neither of them are doing anything wrong in his opinion.

“I’m delighted for the boy. I think it’s great for both of them.” She's like: ‘So what if he's 15 years younger?' And he's like: ‘Brilliant, she's 15 years older!’” he told the magazine.

One person who disagrees, however, is Rebecca Ferguson. She stated in a recent interview that there is 'something not right' about Caroline, 32, being with involved with Harry, 17.

Meanwhile, Max was at the centre of his own relationship drama after it was claimed his engagement to Coronation Street actress Michelle Keegan was on the rocks.


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